*When you shop and compare, you know you're getting the lowest rates and fees available. Lender competition leads to less money out of pocket at closing and lower payments every month. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found in their 2015 Consumer Mortgage Experience Survey that shopping for a mortgage saves consumers an average of .5% on their interest rate. Using this information, the difference between a 5% and a 4.5% interest rate on a new home that costs $315,000 (with a $15,000 down payment and a financed amount of $300,000) is a Principal & Interest savings of roughly $90 per month. Over a typical 30-year amortized mortgage, $90 per month adds up to $32,400 in savings over the life of the loan. To read more from the CFPB, please visit https://mortgagechoice.beazer.com/home/legalpage.